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时间:2020/5/25 11:18:28   作者:王小语   来源:华夏教育网   阅读:732   评论:0

前天,我们推出了由天行高二学子撰写的“最可爱的人——我亲爱的老师”系列第一篇《呕心化春雨 倾情撑蓝天|Lesley是我读书十余载见过最好的老师》文章感动了不少家长和学生。很多人羡慕天行的孩子遇上这么一位好老师。但实际上,这样的好老师在天行还有很多很多。



The rain in early spring is quiet, not warm, not hot, not irritable, caressing the city.


It's our head teacher, Mr. Xu zhuotao Kelvin, who is most like the rain.


There are several appellations for him - parents call him "Mr. Xu", teachers call him "Mr. Kevin", students call him "Kelvin" in person, but they call him "Lao K" in private. In our mind, "Lao K" is the best match for his image. Just like this title, he doesn't look much older than we are - not thick or light inverted eyebrows, eyes the size of peas, not very straight nose and crooked mouth when laughing. With his distinctive natural volume of bangs, no one can tell from the students that he is a teacher with rich experience.





I always think that if a person looks young, then he must have a heart to pursue young. That's how Lao K is. Just like the rain in early spring, it is light and full of vitality. He is very easy to get along with students. He understands our psychology very well and can also catch up with many popular obstacles. He is like a older and more mature brother accompanying us on the way of growth.





In Teensen , Lao K is known as the "Buddhist School". Just like the quiet rain in early spring, it's leisurely. He doesn't often stay in the class and stare at us, but would rather stay in the small corner at the end of the office and prepare lessons quietly and seriously. When we make a mistake and make him angry, he never rushes into the classroom and scolds us directly. He doesn't call our parents "small reports" in wechat group at the first time, but takes a bench and sits down Come and talk to us calmly. Because he knows that most adolescent children want to face, hard hitting will only make us more disgusted and repelled, he knows that what we need is to calm down and face-to-face conversation and enlightenment. He has always been by our side with tolerance and understanding.



But I don't know if anyone has ever noticed that if I feel this seemingly casual spring rain, I will sigh at his delicacy and continuity. He always kept the city in silence, just like Lao K kept us in silence. Is Lao K really a Buddhist? No, it's not. I clearly remember that when I first interviewed vice president Tao Juanjuan about the rules, Lao K sat next to me with a thick notebook in his hand. When I talked to President Tao about my character, I used my spare light to see that Lao K opened the notebook, looked at the contents and began to say, "Ella is actually a "The content is me in his eyes, my character and personality, my strengths and weaknesses. When I was shocked, I never thought that Lao K, who looks like a Buddhist, was such a delicate person! He will record our big performance and small details in his notebook. As a boy, especially a male teacher, it is rare to be careful! He is very concerned about the state of each of us. When there is a problem, he will come to us for communication at the first time. He will help us care about us on the positive side and help us out of difficulties. He can't put off such a thing for a moment.




In my impression, Lao K has always been an observant and highly EQ person. He always pays attention to the little details of students. He always helps others to solve problems with enough face. He always brings us warmth and company when we need it So how lucky it is to be his student!


I smiled and looked out of the window. The rain in early spring is still quiet. It's not warm or hot. It's not impatient. It's silently guarding the city and the spring.


撰写:Ella          付艺菲

编辑:Wendy     贾西贝

翻译:Sunny      黄   曰

摄影:Leo          罗   睿

朗读:Cathy       乐开心

           Tom         熊艺锋

主编:Jane        肖   依

总编:Johnson    张世霖


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