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高能配置 天行创世纪学校校长天团首次曝光!

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The news of contemporary education master will be in charge of "Teensen Genesis" in September this autumn, just like a bombshell detonated the education industry in Nanchang. Teensen Genesis School has once again become the focus of attention from all walks of life.


As a high-quality school, Teensen Genesis School has a high starting point plan, high standard construction, and high quality development. In terms of hardware construction, it has invested heavily in creating "five charming gardens", that is, safe campus, ecological campus, humanistic campus, smart campus, and literary campus. And in terms of teaching staff, Teensen introduces excellent management team and teacher team for high salary at home and abroad; in the goal of running a school, Teensen aims to run a pleasant education of "students' care, teachers' peace, and social trust", committed to becoming a first-class, well-known internationalized school in Jiangxi province and even in China;Teensen has been committed to cultivate students with five qualities, ABCDE. (A for ambitious, B for bold, C for caring, D for devoted, and E for erudite). This fall, Teensen Genesis School will be officially opened.

资深校长领航  新学校有“老”团队


A good principal leads a good school!  A team of good principals makes a good school!  Although Teensen Genesis is a new star in the education field of Nanchang, a strong team of principals is about to join.  They are professional, warm-hearted, far-sighted, excellent in concept and they have won many achievements and high popularity.


Today, the editor will take you close into the "Principals' Mission" to unveil the "mystery" of the principals.

40年的教育教学和学校领导生涯:中共党员,中学高级职称,历任南昌十九中、南昌三中副校长、南昌三中罗家校区校长、青山湖区义坊学校大学区学区长,青山湖区义坊三中教育集团总校长。在40年的教育教学和学校领导生涯中,他以其特有的聪颖睿智、辛勤执着和敢为天下先的精神,在全市教育界闪烁着璀璨的光芒,曾荣获“南昌市优秀教育工作者”、“南昌市优秀共产党员”、“南昌市关心下一代优秀工作者”、青山湖区“我身边的好校长”、青山湖区“十大深度教育人”、“兴家风 淳民风 正社风”2017年度先进个人等荣誉。





耕耘教坛29年 带出多位清北学生:中共党员,1991年至今耕耘教坛29年。获得过全国优质课比赛一等奖;是省首批骨干教师、南昌市高中语文学科带头人、南昌市第二批洪城名师;多次荣获南昌市优秀共产党员、南昌市优秀教师、南昌市优秀班主任、南昌市德育工作先进个人等荣誉称号。所教的学生中有多人考取北大、清华等全国名校,有一大批进入双一流大学深造。


The principals of this luxurious team have an open mind, a comprehensive perspective and excellent abilities, having created one after another new high ground for education.  Throughout the educational experience of the principals, they have always maintained a passion for life, a love for education, a perseverance in passion and expectations for the future.  "A good team assembled by good principals represents a good school." In addition to the high-level principals' mission, we will also have a large number of good teachers.  In the fall of 2020, all elite principals and good teachers will join Teensen Genesis School to open a new chapter of Nanchang private quality education hand in hand with Teensen Genesis School.


Next,we will launch the teachers team of Teensen Genesis School in succession.


撰写:Jane        肖   依

编辑:Wendy      贾西贝

翻译:Daisy        周   萍

视频:Louis        胡   猜

            Leo          罗   睿

朗读:Mia           闵熙若

           Demitry    徐功勋

主编:Jane        肖   依

总编:Johnson  张世霖

—Power by Teensen Media—


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