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保护环境从我做起 开言英语10岁学员垃圾分类演讲引发众人思考

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  Hi guys! Hello everyone, my name is Fiona.


  I'm a grade six student.


  Today, I want to talk about environmental protection.


  Now, do you remember the typhoon called "Shanzhu" in 2018?


  This is the strongest typhoon in the past 120 years, which caused us $100 billion in economic losses and 48.6 million people has (have) been affected.


  On that day, school was suspended. My family and I stayed at home.


  After typhoon, many parts of Hong Kong have been flooded by sea water, and a lot of garbage has been rolled onto the landby waves, forming many garbage mountains.


  Nowadays, environmental protection is one of the most important themes in the world, and every country attaches great importance to it.



  In recent years, human beings are destroying the environment, releasing a lot of harmful gases, causing global warming, melting many glaciers, making animals living in cold places unable to survive. It is likely to cause the water level to rise and submerge the city.


  So, what is the cause of such a serious environmental problem?


  Now, look at our life.



  If you usually use Taobao to shop online, you can raise your hand.

  Wow, you can put down your hands.



  My mom always shopping (shops) online.


  We like taking out and shopping online, which is very convenient.


  However, this produces a wide range of disposable plastic wastes.


  Once these wastes are not properly disposedof, it is likely to let these wastes flow into and harm nature.


  Scientists have done experiments.


  In addition, according to incomplete statistics, 72% of organisms contain at least one kind of plastic fiber.


  Environmental pollution is so serious.


  We always think that if we throw away the garbage, it will not exist. But the real fact is that all the garbagewe throw away has become a weapon of destruction.


  So, the question is, what can we do to solve the earth's serious environmental problems?


  Since 1980, Japan began to implement garbage sorting and recycling, and now it has become the best country in the world.


  Garbage sorting has become a conscious behavior of Japanese people. Japan's (garbage) recovery rate is 100%.


  In China, garbage classification, “垃圾分类”,has also begun to operate.


  Do you know the Shanghai's garbage classification?


  Okay. First, how to deal with bottles like this.


  First, I need to drink or pour it out.


  Second, simply wash it with water.


  Then, remove the cap and tear off the label.


  Next, step on it.


  And finally, put it into the plastic recycle bin.


  First, how to deal with garbage to be more environmentally friendly.


  I will divide the garbage into four categories: waste paper, plastic, glass and metal, and then put them into their respective bins.


  It will (be) easy to recycle.


  I will attach great importance to the garbage classification.


  Usually, you can turn off the unnecessary electrical appliances, which can save more power.


  In addition, do not waste water or paper.


  I will use my imagination to make use of the waste.


  This (is) made by myself.


  I can put many things on it.


  It is very useful.


  I will learn to cook by myself, try to reduce takeout and online shopping.


  Now, many schools teach students about environmental protection.


  And now, my school in Hong Kong use lectures and modern drama to teach us about environmental protection and how to be more environmentally friendly.


  Environmental protection is so important.


  We should strengthen the awareness of environmental protection, protect our earth and cherish resources.


  Come on!


  Let's take action(s) to protect the earth!


  Yes, we can. We can do it!


  Thank you!






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